Turnkey Service

During the preliminary design phase, our highly specialized technicians are always available to the designer, providing support and advice regarding the availability of materials, chromatic characteristics, and technical compatibility in the specific applications identified. Our priority is to ensure that each project is initiated with a solid foundation of knowledge and expertise.

Once the best materials have been selected and the most suitable finishes and chromatic combinations defined, the next step involves our master craftsmen, who work diligently within our facilities, carefully following the executive design. Before delivery, the material is dry-laid, thus simulating the installation process to ensure absolute precision in installation.

Each project is then overseen on-site by a dedicated project manager from our company, who is committed to maintaining direct and constant contact with the client in order to address any requests or needs that may arise in real time during the execution process. Our installation teams consist exclusively of highly qualified professionals who are direct employees of our company, ensuring a superior level of expertise and reliability.

Furthermore, thanks to our ongoing research and innovation in the field of products and technologies for the treatment of natural stone surfaces, we are able to offer a wide range of support services on request, including special treatments, cleaning, and maintenance of the supplied surfaces. Our mission is to provide not only high-quality products but also comprehensive support that ensures the utmost satisfaction of our customers at every stage of the process.